All notes tagged with phoenix.

September 24, 2024

phoenix dns

Domains for local apps

When working on side projects, I prefer setting up a custom domain for each app I’m developing. This approach mimics the production environment more closely and simplifies juggling multiple apps simultaneously.

Using custom domains for local development offers several advantages:

  1. It prevents cookie mixing between different apps.
  2. It allows for easier configuration of CORS policies.
  3. It provides a more realistic testing environment.

Setting this up is straightforward, especially with the help of Caddy. Here’s my process:

First, choose your domain: I typically use the local subdomain. For instance, if my production app is, I’ll use for local development.

Configure Caddy, assuming my local server runs on port 4000, here’s the Caddy configuration I use: {
    tls internal
    reverse_proxy localhost:4000

Finally, add an A record for pointing to in my hosts file or local DNS server.

That’s all there is to it! Now I can access my app at, enjoying the benefits of a custom domain for my local development environment.

This setup not only enhances my development workflow but also helps catch potential issues related to domain-specific configurations early in the development process.

Alias for fast testing in Elixir

In my previous note Shorter feedback loops with Elixir tests I already described how to run tests in Elixir, where it only runs the failed tests. Below is what I put in my mix.exs file to have faster feedback loops when testing:

defp aliases do
      "test.failed": ["test --failed --max-failures 1"],

  # Make sure the alias runs in the test MIX_ENV environment.
  def cli do
    [preferred_envs: ["test.failed": :test]]

This will create a new alias test.failed that will run only the failed tests and stop after the first failure. This is useful when you are working on a specific test and you want to run it quickly without running all the tests.