All notes tagged with testing.

Alias for fast testing in Elixir

In my previous note Shorter feedback loops with Elixir tests I already described how to run tests in Elixir, where it only runs the failed tests. Below is what I put in my mix.exs file to have faster feedback loops when testing:

defp aliases do
      "test.failed": ["test --failed --max-failures 1"],

  # Make sure the alias runs in the test MIX_ENV environment.
  def cli do
    [preferred_envs: ["test.failed": :test]]

This will create a new alias test.failed that will run only the failed tests and stop after the first failure. This is useful when you are working on a specific test and you want to run it quickly without running all the tests.

April 20, 2024

testing elixir

Shorter feedback loops with Elixir tests

In Ruby, you have the --fail-fast flag, which stops running the test suite at the first failed test. Convenient to get shorter feedback loops, with a long running test suite.

In Elixir, you can achieve the same with:

mix test --max-failures 1

And then when a test fails, you fix it, and make sure that it works with:

mix test --failed

That makes for shorter feedback loops!

March 25, 2024

zig testing

Test selection with Zig

With Zig, I usually run zig build test to run all the tests. However, sometimes, I need to run a single test, and that option is not available through the build command.

In this case, I learned you can use the zig test command along with the --test-filter option.

For example, to test a single test named “lexer initialization” located in src/lexer/lexer.zig, you can run zig test --test-filter “lexer initialization” src/lexer/lexer.zig. It’s worth noting that the test filter doesn’t have to be the full name of the test to be able to find it.