All notes tagged with zed.

October 2, 2024

zed git

Zed as the default editor for commits

I started to use the Zed editor as my default editor, and with it I also use the terminal that comes with it. When using the Zed terminal, I would also like the git commit messages to open in Zed, but only if I’m actually in the Zed terminal. To do this, I first added this to my Zed configuration:

"terminal": {
  "env": {
    "TERM_PROGRAM": "zed"

And then, in my Fish config, I added this:

# Zed editor
if test "$TERM_PROGRAM" = "zed"
    set -x EDITOR zed --wait
    set -x VISUAL zed --wait

Now, only when I’m in Zed terminal, git commits will also open in Zed. Any other terminal, it defaults back to Neovim.