All notes tagged with fonts.

July 5, 2023

vim fonts

Patching Berkeley Mono with Nerd Fonts

I’m using Berkeley Mono as my font, which is beautiful, but doesn’t have all the glyphs I need for my terminal and editor.

The glyphs I need are part of Nerd Fonts. This is the command I run to patch Berkeley Mono with the use of Docker:

docker run --rm \
 -v /tmp/berkeley-mono/origin:/in \
 -v /tmp/berkeley-mono/patched:/out \
 nerdfonts/patcher \
 --progressbars \
 --mono \
 --adjust-line-height \
 --fontawesome \
 --fontawesomeextension \
 --fontlogos \
 --octicons \
 --codicons \
 --powersymbols \
 --pomicons \
 --powerline \
 --powerlineextra \
 --material \

I found the above command in this blog post from Serhat Teker: Patching Fonts with Docker.