I started to use the Zed editor as my default editor, and with it I also use the terminal that comes with it. When using the Zed terminal, I would also like the git commit messages to open in Zed, but only if I’m actually in the Zed terminal. To do this, I first added this to my Zed configuration:
"terminal": {
"env": {
And then, in my Fish config, I added this:
# Zed editor
if test "$TERM_PROGRAM" = "zed"
set -x EDITOR zed --wait
set -x VISUAL zed --wait
Now, only when I’m in Zed terminal, git commits will also open in Zed. Any other terminal, it defaults back to Neovim.
Often when I start a new project, I also need to have a .gitignore
for the specific language that I’m working in.
To easily do this, I added the following alias to my git, which pulls a template from gitignore.io:
git config --global alias.ignore \
'!gi() { curl -sL https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/api/$@ ;}; gi'
Now you can do git ignore zig
and it will show you the default ignore file for a Zig project.
To automatically put it in your gitignore, just redirect the output:
git ignore zig >> .gitignore
Github has their own CLI tool which enables you
to interact with Github through the command line.
I often start new repositories and started using the following command to
quickly create a accompanying, private repo on Github:
gh repo create <name> --private --source=. --remote=origin