Want to save one keystroke and a few milliseconds? I’m trying something out, when I do my git commits, to start in insert mode, so I can start typing immediately.
You can do this by adding a new autocommand for git commit messages.
In Neovim and Lua you create one like this:
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", {
pattern = "gitcommit",
callback = function()
If for example you are using Lazyvim, add the above to
your ~/.config/nvim/lua/config/autocmds.lua
If you want a seamless copy/paste experience on Neovim in WSL there is a newly
recommended method for doing so, without having to install extra software.
Paste the following Lua snippet in your configuration and "+y
to yank
the selected text into your global register. Similarly, use "+p
to paste.
if vim.fn.has "wsl" == 1 then
vim.g.clipboard = {
name = "WslClipboard",
copy = {
["+"] = "clip.exe",
["*"] = "clip.exe",
paste = {
["+"] = 'powershell.exe -c [Console]::Out.Write($(Get-Clipboard -Raw).tostring().replace("`r", ""))',
["*"] = 'powershell.exe -c [Console]::Out.Write($(Get-Clipboard -Raw).tostring().replace("`r", ""))',
cache_enabled = 0,
I’m using Ubuntu for my development environment, and Ubuntu does not have the
latest Neovim in their repository.
That’s why I choose to install the last version by source. The steps I take
wget https://github.com/neovim/neovim/releases/download/v0.9.1/nvim-linux64.tar.gz
tar xfz nvim-linux64.tar.gz
sudo mv nvim-linux64 /opt/nvim
Now you have to make sure that /opt/nvim/bin
is part of your path. If you are
smart, and using the Fish shell, add this to your Fish config.
fish_add_path -aP /opt/nvim/bin
If you are on Bash:
export PATH=/opt/nvim/bin:$PATH
Enjoy your latest version of Neovim!
I’m using Berkeley Mono as my font, which is beautiful, but doesn’t have all the glyphs I need for my terminal and editor.
The glyphs I need are part of Nerd Fonts. This is the command I run to patch Berkeley Mono with the use of Docker:
docker run --rm \
-v /tmp/berkeley-mono/origin:/in \
-v /tmp/berkeley-mono/patched:/out \
nerdfonts/patcher \
--progressbars \
--mono \
--adjust-line-height \
--fontawesome \
--fontawesomeextension \
--fontlogos \
--octicons \
--codicons \
--powersymbols \
--pomicons \
--powerline \
--powerlineextra \
--material \
I found the above command in this blog post from Serhat Teker: Patching Fonts with Docker.