A place where I capture raw, quick notes worth remembering.

May 9, 2022


Template for a new Common Lisp Project

To easily start a new Common Lisp project, I’m making use of the CL-Project from the famed Lisper Eitaro Fukamachi.

You can either install it through roswell with ros install cl-project or through the use of Quicklisp with (ql:quickload :cl-project).

The benefit of install it through Roswell is that you also get a binary.

To create a project through the REPL:

(cl-project:make-project #p"lisp/cl-sample/"
  :author "Eitaro Fukamachi"
  :email "[email protected]"
  :license "LLGPL"
  :depends-on '(:clack :cl-annot))

Or by using the binary:

make-project /home/user/common-lisp/sample \
    --name sample \
    --description "sample project." \
    --author "Your name" --license LLGPL \
    --depends-on alexandria split-sequence`


April 14, 2022


Cargo modules

Today I learned about the cargo-modules, a cargo plugin which shows you an overview of your crates modules.

I like to check the tree and my public interface with:

cargo modules generate tree --with-types


January 2, 2022

command-line fish

November 15, 2021

lisp ai

From Lisp to Python, but why Peter?

Peter Norvig is a well-known educator on AI and used to be one of the key figures in the Lisp movement.

His books used to use Lisp in their exercises, but he switched to Python at some point. Today, I came across the Lex Fridman podcast, where he interviewed Peter Norvig and asked him why he made that change.

He gives a surprisingly simple answer at the 43-minute mark.

I was expecting deeper reasons, but his students were having difficulty grasping Lisp, and a questionnaire showed that Python mimicked the pseudocode from the book the most. That’s it.

In the short amount of time he had to educate them on AI, he could not spare the time to educate them on Lisp.

Coincidentally, I also came across this gem at smuglispweeny blog:

At ILC 2002 former Lisp giant now Python advocate Peter Norvig was for some reason allowed to give the keynote address like Martin Luther leading Easter Sunday mass at the Vatican and pitching Protestantism because in his talk Peter bravely repeated his claim that Python is a Lisp.

When he finished Peter took questions and to my surprise called first on the rumpled old guy who had wandered in just before the talk began and eased himself into a chair just across the aisle from me and a few rows up.

This guy had wild white hair and a scraggly white beard and looked hopelessly lost as if he had gotten separated from the tour group and wandered in mostly to rest his feet and just a little to see what we were all up to. My first thought was that he would be terribly disappointed by our bizarre topic and my second thought was that he would be about the right age, Stanford is just down the road, I think he is still at Stanford – could it be?

“Yes, John?” Peter said.

I won’t pretend to remember Lisp inventor John McCarthy’s exact words which is odd because there were only about ten but he simply asked if Python could gracefully manipulate Python code as data.

“No, John, it can’t,” said Peter and nothing more, graciously assenting to the professor’s critique, and McCarthy said no more though Peter waited a moment to see if he would and in the silence a thousand words were said.


August 1, 2021


Add aliases for your Rust project

I was looking at the Monkey language implementation done by Lauren Tan and noticed a .cargo/config.toml file in the project directory. In it was a convenient alias for her project:

dev = "watch -x check -x test"

This way, we can run cargo dev, which will run a check, which is not a build but catches a lot of errors quickly. The test is for those doing TDD because it will run the tests after every change. Convenient!


August 1, 2021


Changing working directory in tmux

I tend to keep a long-lived tmux session per project that I’m working on. When I want to start a new project though, it carries the old working directory with it. I keep forgetting what I need to do to type it, so hopefully this TIL makes me remember it for the next time.

To switch the current working directory, do a :attach -c <newdir>. And to do it it even more easily, I bound it in my tmux configuration to Meta-w:

bind M-w attach -c "#{pane_current_path}"


SSH Tunnels

I often rely on SSH tunnels to forward remote ports locally. For example, to control my remote installation of Resilio Sync. There is a lot of flags you can set, but these are the flags that work best for me:

ssh -CqTnNf -L 8889:localhost:8888 [email protected]

In this example, I forward the remote localhost:8888 port to my local 8889. The flags do the following:

  • C: Compress the data.
  • q: Silent modus.
  • T: Disable pseudo-tty allocation.
  • n: Prevent reading stdin.
  • N: No remote commands, just forwarding.
  • f: Run in the background.
  • L: Specifies the forward.

Now, if you want to exit the tunnel, you could kill SSH pkill ssh, but this will kill all your SSH connections. I multiplex my connections and can run: ssh -O exit [email protected]. You would need this in your ~/ssh/.config to be able to do that as well:

Host *
  ControlMaster auto
  ControlPath ~/.ssh/sockets/%r@%h-%p


Rust project templates

Rust never stops to amaze me with its command-line tools and today I found out about cargo-generate which enables you to setup a repository which will function as a project template for Rust.

As an example, to pull down the repository and start a new project, you would do:

cargo generate --git https://github.com/githubusername/mytemplate.git --name myproject


Staying up-to-date with Rust

I have this tick where I continuously check that my tools are running the latest version. I guess you could call it a form of FOMO.

Luckily, Rust has me covered with two packages which check that for me.

cargo-outdated which check that your project dependenies are up-to-date. And cargo-update which checks that your Rust executables, like cargo-edit are running the latest version.

It will even update itself!
